Vi søger ny kollega i REHPA, der skal være ansvarlig for REHPAs strategi inden for forskning og udvikling af rehabilitering til mennesker med livstruende sygdom. Stillingsopslaget er på engelsk, da professoratet opslås internationalt.
The Knowledge Centre for Rehabilitation and Palliative Care (REHPA), Department of Clinical Research, invites applications for a position as professor with specific responsibilities within the field of Health Sciences to be filled as soon as possible and for a period of 5 years with possibility of prolongation for additionally 3 years.
Stillingen er opslået og skal søges via SDU. Stillingsopslaget er udløbet
For the full job description please contact Recruitment Consultant Elisabeth Lohmann Andersen at
For further information please contact the Head of the Centre, Professor Ann-Dorthe Zwisler, MD, Cardiologist, PhD, phone +45 2367 1284, e-mail:
Ansøgningsfrist er 1. oktober 2017.