Her finder du en oversigt over ph.d.-projekter inden for rehabilitering og palliation. Langt hovedparten er danske projekter, og listen er ikke uddybende, men den indeholder de udgivelser, som REHPA har kendskab til.
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Experiences with narrative courses for people who have or have had cancer: An ethnographic study, 2024
Henriette Søby Gärtner
Co-development of rehabilitation for young adult cancer survivors, 2024
Maria Aagesen
Cardiac arrest survival: Recovery and mental health, 2023
Mette Kirstine Wagner
”Men jeg er jo en helhed” – Meningsskabelse, perspektiver og patientinddragelse i hjerterehabilitering, 2023
Nynne Barchager
Social vulnerability in patients with advanced cancer in Denmark – implications for access to physical rehabilitation and specialized palliative care, 2023
Jens-Jakob Kjer Møller
Physical and psychological problems reported by cardiac arrest survivors and interventions to treat these problems, 2022
Victoria Joshi
Frivillighed i palliation – Kvalitative studier af muligheder og udfordringer knyttet til frivilliges arbejde og samarbejde i den afsluttende del af livet hos borgere i eget hjem og på plejehjem, 2022
Karen Marie Sangild Stølen
End-of-life discussions during palliative chemotherapy, 2021
Tine Ikander
Integrating general palliative care in a heart failure clinic, 2021
Stine Gundtoft Roikjær
Needs assessment and symptom management in patients surgically treated for head and neck cancer, 2021
Annelise Mortensen
Exercise and targeted support for older patients with advanced cancer during oncological treatment, 2020
Marta Kramer Mikkelsen
NUTRI-HAB – Multidisciplinary nutritional rehabilitation and systematic assessment of rehabilitation needs in head and neck cancer survivors, 2020
Marianne Boll Kristensen
Patient-reported psychosocial healthcare – Prevalence, predictors and health outcomes among patients with heart disease in Denmark, 2020
Line Zinckernagel
Patient ambassador support in newly diagnosed patients with acute leukemia during the course of treatment – Perspectives and feasiblity of patient ambassador support in patients and their patient ambassadors, 2020
Kristina Holmegaard Nørskov
Different Aspects of municipal Rehabilitation and the Use of a Capability Measure – the importance of outcome measures, 2020
Annette Willemoes Holst-Kristensen
Early, integrated, specialised palliative rehabilitation for patients with advanced cancer, 2019
Lise Nottelmann
Early initiated physical exercise in newly diagnosed patients with multiple myeloma, 2019
Rikke Faebo Larsen
Patients Reported Outcomes for Symptom Management in Patients with Metastatic Malignant Melanoma receiving immunotherapy – design, execution, and evaluation of a randomized controlled trial, 2019
Lærke Kjær Tolstrup
Patient-reported outcomes in patients with heart failure, 2019
Anne Ankerstjerne Rasmussen
Symptoms and problems reported by cancer patients admitted to specialized palliative care, 2019
Maiken Bang Hansen
Rikke Smedegaard RosbjergChild mortality and parents’ perspectives on losing a child with a life-limiting diagnosis: Population-based studies, 2019
Camilla Lykke
Fra frelse til well-being? Hospitalspræsters tænkning, tro og praksis i en terapeutisk kultur, 2019
Ole Raakjær
Longitudinal patient-reported outcomes in patients with multiple myeloma, 2019
Lene Kongsgaard Nielsen
‘Will I get cancer again?’ An ethnography of worries, healing landscapes and sensation-to-symptom processes among people living in the aftermath of cancer in rural Norway, 2019
Magdalena Skowronski
Implementation of national Clinical guidelines and clinical quality registries to improve cardiac rehabilitation, 2018
Cecilie Lindström Egholm
Chronic non-cancer pain and opioid use: Population-based studies, 2018
Hanne Birke
Improving quality of care for older medical patients. Identifying patients at risk of readmission and factors influencing implementation of a readmission prevention program, 2018
Sara Fokdal Lehn
Psychosocial intervention in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), 2018
Ingeborg Farver-Vestergaard
Recap – rehabilitering for cancerramte patienter og deres partner, 2018
Christel Halvor Trøstrup
Integration of psychological intervention in specialized palliative care – Effect on caregiver distress and dyadic coping, 2018
Annika von Heymann-Horan
Cardiac Rehabilitation Among Migrants – A Mixed-Methods Study, 2018
Hanne Winther Frederiksen
Palliation til grønlandske kræftpatienter i Grønland og Danmark, 2018
Mikaela Augustussen
Health communication. When seriously ill patients have dependent children, 2018
Annemarie Dencker
Effekt af et aktivitets- og hjemmebaseret interventionsprogram til personer med kræft i et palliativt forløb, 2018
Marc Sampedro Pilegaard
At nærme sig døden – menneskeligt og metodisk. En kvalitativ undersøgelse af kristne og muslimske kræftpatienter i palliative forløb, 2017
Hanne Bess Boelsbjerg
Improving the palliative care of people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in home care. A participatory action research project. Section for Nursing Science. Aarhus University, Department of Public Health, 2017
Camilla A. Mousing
Dagligdagen i eget hjem med en kræftsygdom, 2017
Jesper Larsen Mærsk
Exercise-based cardiac rehabilitation – the use of patient-preferred settings and its impact on exercise intensity and clinical health effects, 2016
Lars Herman Tang
Palliative Care in the Hospital – A mixed-methods study of the general palliative care in a hospital in Denmark, 2016
Heidi Bergenholtz
Hospicefilosofi i praksis. Eksistentiel/åndelig omsorg for døende på hospice, 2015
Vibeke Graven
Hvad kendetegner åndelig omsorg som den viser sig i omsorgspraksis på hospice, 2014
Vibeke Østergaard Steenfeldt
Gammel og svækket i nye omgivelser – Narrativt arbejde i brugerorienterede rehabiliteringsforløb, 2013
Jette Thuesen
Rehabilitation in Prostate Cancer Care, 2013
Karin Brochstedt Dieperink
Eksistentielle behov hos døende kræftpatienter og deres pårørende under terminale forløb på et dansk hospice, 2015
Lene Moestrup
Kræftpatienters religiøse ressourcer. En kvalitativ undersøgelse af muslimske og kristne kræftpatienters religiøse copingstrategier under palliative forløb
Hanne Bess Boelsbjerg
Advanced cancer patients as participants in their own lives. A grounded theory study of coping from a patient perspective, 2010
Thora Grothe Thomsen
Palliative home care for cancer patients in Denmark, 2009
Mette Asbjørn Neergaard
Faktorer af betydning for kontinuitet og forebyggelse af uhensigtsmæssige indlæggelser af kræftpatienter i palliative forløb på basisniveau
Lisbeth Sølver
Palliative needs in Danish patients with advanced cancer, 2008
Anna Thit Johnsen
Cancer patients’ use of opiods: A pharmaco-epidemiological view, 2005
Lene Jarlbæk